Accelerated Development

Get the Features You Need When You Need Them

For more than 15 years, Globalscape has worked with many of our customers to adapt and grow our products. When urgent issues pop up, we rise to the occasion to meet your needs, no matter the challenge. We have always worked to accommodate our customer’s needs, because our customers are truly our greatest partners. To honor our sincere commitment to respond quickly and effectively to your business needs, we offer Accelerated Development. The Accelerated Development program is the one way to guarantee the delivery of features you need to have built into Globalscape products. Put simply, Accelerated Development gives you what you need when you need it.

Partnering to achieve a shared vision

As a customer, you are a valued Globalscape partner. That is why we believe in listening and responding quickly to your business needs. We don't rely on "finger-to-the-wind" research and development methods. When building EFT™, we prioritize Accelerated Features and draw from your expert knowledge and insight to solve real-world problems. 

When you need to adapt or grow your environment quickly, we can:
•    Improve user-experience to reduce workload and make users happy
•    Enhance or optimize performance to manage changes in demand
•    Add or improve an automated workflow to increase efficiency
•    Increase capacity to accommodate growth in traffic 

Putting you in the drivers seat

If you have ever submitted a feature request to a software vendor, you know the response is typically … crickets. At Globalscape, we value our partnership with customers like you. Your time is important and so are your business needs. We offer Accelerated Development to give you control over when we build and deliver features.    

Many of our customers rely on Accelerated Development to:
•    Control feature delivery time frame
•    Influence the development of product-native solutions
•    Receive industry or business-specific functionality
•    Respond to top-down security, compliance, and regulatory mandates

A transparent and simple process

We’ve delivered high-quality solutions to critical business needs for more than 15 years. When you submit an Accelerated Development request, we will put in the time to understand your pain points and guide you toward the right solution. Once we determine a solution, we will work with you to get there. Our process is simple, quick, and transparent:

  1. Provide Your Requirements - First, talk to your account manager and sales engineer. They will scope your project and send it to our Product Engineering team for analysis and a business proposal. 
  2. We’ll Build Your Feature - After you accept our proposal, we will build your feature to be released within the agreed upon time frame. 
  3. Your Feature is Delivered - You will be the first to receive a beta build of the product and new feature. When the feature is finalized and the latest version of EFT is released, your feature will be ready to go!

Get Features You Need, On Your Timeline

Talk to your Account Representative about Accelerated Development today!

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